
Friday, February 18, 2011

KNA Phobia

Kuwait Nursing Association (KNA) has been established in 1982 under the umbrella of Ministry of Social Affair and Labor. Since its establishment its board of directors was a group of nursing leaders from Ministry of Health.  These directors tend to give the reins to their superiors in Ministry of Health.

On April 2006 a new era at KNA has begun. This started with an elected new board of directors who started to identify all the issues facing nurses in Kuwait. Surprisingly, this process has made many staff nurses and nursing directors unhappy, angry, frustrated or dread toward new things or toward change in general. Why? Well, in this article I'll mention one possible reason for that.

I believe one reason is their fear of new things or experiences. They are unwilling to try new things brought to them by KNA or break from routine. I personally use "KNA phobia", a neologism, to refer to their irrational fear toward KNA and its board of directors. KNA phobia can be seen as specialized form of neophobia, the fear of new things or experiences.

This conservative and reactionary group of nurses may be described as neophobic, in their attempts to preserve traditions or revert KNA to a perceived past form.  They try to prevent the spread of KNA achievements and voice. Many of nursing directors are such example of this group.

Why should anyone care about KNA phobia? KNA phobia affects all nurses to different degrees. If you are a nurse who is trying to be a member of KNA or joining any KNA committee, then individuals who are KNA phobic can slow you down, and in some cases, even prevent you from achieving your goals. Such individuals may be classified as "slow to change," "unwilling to accept new experiences or responsibilities," "too traditional and conservative."


  1. I wouldn't say Phobia , as that big term.. I can call it " irrelevant " or KNA IRRELEVANCE.. with all my respect to the point you try to covney to us .. i mean no offence.
    But as for me , personally i know nurses who reply to the question why don't you join KNA? , they reply .. why should we ??
    You see the point is ... that its not like it would add that big to their career .. though as for me i see it ;its a professional step for us as nurse.

    Now the funny question is. Am i a member of KNA ?
    No , am not.. everytime i say i will i delay , and i feel busy to go the KNA centre.. but i have the intention. Keeping in mind i am a member of the GCC nursing council.. so am not having KNA PHOBIA but the irrelevant part only.. which i will overcome it .

    Great posting ,

  2. I suggest you read my research paper on

  3. i`ve read the abstract

    really nice one

    i`m still not a member of KNA

    i dont know why .. but i dont see what are the advantages from joining them
